Love your family

love family
Love your family

We don’t get to chose our family members, except for our partner in life. Everyone in the world has something that is easy to be loved and other parts that are harder to love. No one is perfect, don’t expect them to be. It’s possible to change for your family however, don’t ask them to change everything. They will feel bad and fake to not be able to be who they truly are. Life is hard on it’s own, do your best to love your family no matter what.

Loving your family also includes the tough love we sometimes need. Loving them no matter what doesn’t allow you to let them endulge their addiction and promoting it by handing them money. It would only push them further on the route to self-destruction. Love them by giving them advise, living as example and help them how you can, even if it may feel like you are putting borders up for them.

A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss… That’s the trade-off. But I’ll take it all. -Brad Pitt

Family are the people you can count on for enjoyment on good and bad days. From time to time it may seem like friends are more important. There is a place for both in your life and you should apply your time semi-equal to both of them. At difficult times you may need to lean on both your family and your friends. It is possible that you haven’t seen your family in a while but giving them a call or a visit can help you recover from anything you are suffering.

Like every situation also family members can hurt you. Because they are your family you unconditionally love and trust them. Afterwards it may seem that you trusted them too much and that you should have avoided it. However not trusting your family is very strange and unnaturel. It’s best to trust them unless there are indications that you shouldn’t. The closer you get with your family the better the trust, but also the more you can get hurt if you happen to lose them through life.

No matter how your relationship is with your family currently let them know that when they are in need of help that they can come to you. If it happens that your family member ends up suffering from an addiction be sure to remember that you can also help them without putting money in their hands. Invite them for a talk or a dinner to support them.

2 thoughts on “Love your family”

  1. I have been having rough time with my family off late but this post has revived the reason as to why i should get into terms with my family.
    Great and informative post.. Really needed this

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