Free your mind

Open your mind to meditation

Is this the first time you hear about meditation? If so congratsulations on finding your way here and clicking on the article. Are you sceptic towards meditation? Join the club, there is completely nothing wrong with thinking critically about it.

The best advise that can be given is to allow yourself to completely emerge yourself into the new habit of meditation. Open your mind to allow meditation to give it’s full benefits. By participating in meditation you are able to choose whether you want your mind to roam freely or to focus yourself on a specific situation.

Meditation is painfull in the beginning but it bestows immortal Bliss and supreme joy in the end. – Swami Sivananda

This is not an easy habit to follow, but then again, what great habit is easy?

At first instance there are two options that you can choose from to start your journey on. You can take your time to remove all the daily concerns and general thoughts. Open your sight and focus on nothing. This is rather difficult to achieve, that is why focussing your attention on your breath or a certain sound like a ticking clock is a great way to get used to this way of meditating.

The second option you have is not emptying your mind purposely. Choose to allow your mind to wonder to anything it desires. Let your mind take you where it wants to be. It is great to be conscious about how your mind can wander around without stearing it. Being aware of it allows you as a person to grow and allows you to learn from it. In the future it will help you if you decide to meditate keeping your mind at a certain direction.

Go ahead and choose a time that you will spend on meditating. Try to set a certain time of the day open for this new habit.