Stay determinated

reach your goal with detmination

All the rewards in life that matter are difficult to achieve or to hold on to. Think about getting that dream body type that you always wanted. May it be decreasing some of your weight or the opposite. If you are not used to the lifestyle needed it takes determination to achieve it.

Mind you the word “determination” is used, not willpower. A strong willpower is not necessary to achieve great rewards. Be determinate towards achieving your goals. Once you obtained your goal you are able to continue forward and reaching your next goal.

With but few exceptions, it is always the underdog who wins through sheer willpower. – Johnny Weissmuller

Willpower is only needed if you are not motivated enough towards a goal or you participate in something that you dislike doing. Want to live healthy? There are multiple ways to become healthy. Going to a gym despite disliking it requires a lot of willpower. It’s much better to do any movement that you like to do. Prefer to go for a swim? Do that instead and you ensure that you don’t need to use willpower every day to get moving.

The key not needing to use willpower is to make sure that you enjoy what you are doing. If it’s a pleasure to continue on your path there is nothing holding you back. The more you enjoy something in the long run the easier it will be to not skip a day despite having a bad day.

Your goal can be to eat healthier for a better life. It can be hard to cook your own meals from time to time. But if you enjoy what you eat and look at all the benefits it get’s easier continuing on your journey.