One habit a time

Habit keeps you going
Your habit to help you reach your goals

Imagine your new years party on 31 december 2017. Remember your friends joining you to say goodbye to the year 2017 by ending it with a big bang? How did it feel the morning (or afternoon) after that great party? There is one thing that very likely slipped of your thoughts: your New Year’s resolution. Yes, that incredible feeling you get a week later remembering that you didn’t start working towards your resolution.

Even better (or maybe worse?) you actually had the desire to make this year the year of finally following what you set yourself up to do: succeed at your goals. Yet a week in you decide not to continue on the great path you are on.

This horable scenario can be completely banned from your life. You no longer need to find your perfect path towards a better life. The only thing that matter is that you pick a habit that you are willing to insert into your life. Don’t let your life be dictated by the new habit, decide when you have time free to implement your habit. Have your kids going to school in a few days? Will your life completely be turned over again? Look at your day and decide, together with your family, at what time you have time for your habit.

The chains of habit are too weak to be felt untill they are too strong to be broken – Samuel Johnson

This habit can be to go for a jog, make a series of healthy meals for you and your family for the week, eat some fruit daily. Fit it into your life how it fits the best. When you life changes, consider moving the time of your habit aswell. Make yesterday’s article a priority: “Consistency is key”. Take your habit and be consistent with it.

What habit would you like to implement in your life? Let us know in the comments below.

Tune in for tomorrow’s article on how you can obtain a stable habit to change your life completely.