Want to sleep better?


phone sleeping
Does this look familiar?

Out of yesterday’s article it is clear that sleep is a very important factor in a healthy life. Here is a few ways on how to improve on your well earned night of sleep.

Arguably the best way to improve your sleep is by allowing your body to slowly switch to it’s sleeping mode. Do you know someone who, one hour before going to bed, does not watch TV, plays on the computer or watches their phone? It is very rare to find that one person, but hopefully it will be you after reading this article.

Your future depends on your dreams, so go to sleep. – Mesut Barazany

Scientific research has found that our sleep improves drastically if we ban all articifial  light before going to bed. Here are some implementing tips on how to ban the light out of your bedroom:

  • Do not place a TV in your bedroom
  • Put your phone alarm at the correct time an hour before you sleep
  • Restructure your day, watch the movie earlier on the day, finish up with something else


It is easier said than done to find something else to do an hour before going to bed. Admittedly writing an article (on screen) before bed isn’t a good option. Luckily after a restructuring it is not written an hour before bed! It is the best time to spend some time with your family, especially on summer evenings by playing card (or board-) games with your family, enjoying the nice weather. A second option is finding a new hobby to fill up the last hour. Play some music, work out, meditate. Or the oldest hobby in history: read a book.


Will you give this tip a go? If you can’t sleep without looking on your phone, consider getting special glasses to block the light from waking you up. (or keeping you up)