Be satisfied with your job or take a leap of faith

job satisfaction
How happy are you at your work? 

We spend most of our days at the workplace. But how satisfied are you where you arrive there and when you depart from it? We spend nearly a quarter of our lifes at work, so we better make sure we like it.

There are many ways to make sure to enjoy yourself at work. One of them is by having the possibility of meeting clients and helping them with their needs. Being able to speak to them and helping them out can be two amazing things why you love your job. A second possibility is that your job is very interesting and that it keep on challenging you. For me personally my job fulfills both these requirements. I work as an insurance claim advisor. That means that if someone their house is damaged our they end up in an accident I can help them with their problems, give them advise and help them through the difficult time.

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work – Aristotle

When you turn your hobby into work you know for sure that you will enjoy it and that you will become good at it. In the other situation you have to find a study/job that provokes your interest and that may intrigue you. This can go from helping people in need, feeding animals, driving passagers to their destination or delivering them food.

Are you unhappy with your current job or are you not sure it will continue to challenge you? Consider looking for a different line of art or maybe stay in the same direction but go to a different company. It happens that the boss that you are working for doesn’t aline with your principles. It is not a shame to look for a different job and to leave your current one for the other. You may get happier from your new job and more often than not it appears that your new employer will even pay more. Especially if you get to stay at your current job untill you found a better alternative!