Avoid the trap of monthly costs

Cut expenses
Cut your monthly expenses

Our life is expensive, costs lie waiting for us in every corner. How many offers are there out there that give you a couple of months free of something as long as you give your payment information. If you don’t cancel it in time it automatically takes a pay for the next month.

The art isn’t to save money, but to avoid monthly recurring payments. Some costs can’t be avoided but can be reduced. The biggest cost out there are house costs. This can go from renting a place or mortgage payments. Before looking yourself in a certain place consider how much you want to be paying monthly for a lot of years still to come.

Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship. – Benjamin Franklin

Criticizing the budget of others is easy, but taking a look at your own expenses and reducing it can be challenging. It means you have to be honest with yourself cutting out  unnecessary expenses. Become aware of all the little expenses, they will add up fast.

To reduce your monthly costs there are two big tips that can be used to your advantage. First off start only buying with cash. It’s a lot less practical to be constantly in need of enough cash to buy items. Paying in cash avoids to just having to swipe your card for another purchase. A second tip to think about is cut out some of your monthly costs for a while and see if you are actually in need of them. Companies will be very glad if you return to them in 5 months paying again for your subscription. So just try it out for a couple of months without.