Change the way you think about fitness

you can do it!
You can do it!

Have you attempted to stick to a fitness routine before, but never succeeded? The trick is to set yourself up for succes, think positive.

It is that time of the day again, have to go to the fitness to sweat for an hour, take a shower, eat something lay on the couch and go to bed. If this is your evening routine it is understable that you would rather just skip the first parts and start with the couch.

Fitness, in my opinion, is a mental exercise more than just physical. – Anushka Shetty

Fitness shouldn’t be looked at as a hard, almost impossible, habit to incorporate into your life. It is a habit that if you maintain it for extended period of time your body and soon also your brain will thank you. There are too many benefits to count. If fitness would be a buyable item in a shop, the shop would have to be open 24/7 and create a webshop to handle the huge demand. All the benefits, that you hear everywhere, can all be achieved by applying some form of fitness into your life.