Self discipline

self discipline
Build your self discipline

When you try to improve yourself frequently the most usefull tactic is by learning how to build and use self discipline. The things that are worth obtaining are difficult to obtain. That is why you need to have discipline to be able to stick to your goals.

The important thing you about discipline is that when you try something new you need your discipline to push yourself through. take for example starting to work out. At first glance you will need to keep going to the gym very frequently to avoid quiting.

It’s true that it’s not easy to be creating discipline, but you shouldn’t make it harder than it is either. It is just the power that you hold internally for whenever you don’t feel like doing something. You can use your willpower as a wildcard.

Most people want to avoid pain, and discipline is usually painfull. -John C. Maxwell

To reach your goal you need to know what is required to achieve it. Once you have found the activity you have to do the next hurdle is making a habit out of it. Practising a certain activity for 21 days allows you to consider it as a habit, that will get easier to maintain. After having created it as a habit you are going to less or even no discipline to continue on the same route. If you have been exercising for 5 years consecutively it will be unlikely that you are constantly considering not to go workout.

After managing to transform the activity into a habit you can turn your discipline to work on a different part of your life. For example if you first managed to add in working out into your routine you can implement your discipline in your food intake. Once that you are so used to take care of the food you are eating you can start meditating every morning. After implementing this you can continue by improving your second language by woring on it every single day.

The further you are on your route of improvement the more people will admire what you have achieved. Everyone will start to wonder how you have such an high discipline. Without even thinking about it like that you have build up your life and seemingly you have obtained an incredible level of self discipline.

Most people consider themselves as being badly motivated and/or low self disciplined. However everyone can improve on them as long as you put work into it and keep going for it.