How to decrease the risk of getting migraine frequently

How to live with and decrease migraines

First off if you are unsure whether or not you are suffering from migraines it’s likely that you aren’t. That being said if you have had serious headaches that you can’t figure out you may be being victim of migraines. The biggest signs of migraine are having an immobilising headeache, a weakness towards light and sound. Before the migraine starts you start feeling dizzy, fuzzy you will feel the so called ‘aura’. The more you get in touch with migraine the better you will start to sense when it is coming. Before knowing if you really suffer from it, it’s best to speak with your doctor, explain your syptoms and consider looking at what you food intake looks like in a week.

One of the large examples of migraine causers is the food and drinks. Cheese, chocolat, alcohol are generally accepted as potential risks for receiving a migraine attack. To know which of the foods out there influence your life check up on your food routine especially your food intake before getting sick.

What triggered a migraine for me may have no effect on someone else. For many people, coffee can relieve symptoms somewhat, but for me it was a trigger. You really have to find out what affects you individually. – Morgan Fairchild

Your triggers may not have the same results for someone else. This means that any advise has to be considered carefully but also it shouldn’t be taken as a rule to follow by religiously. The best example for this is working out. Pushing your body to the limit ca, increase the chance of ending up with a migraine. However when you focus on limiting your other triggers you can enjoy and improve your body without regrets.

It’s by no means easy to get rid of the risk of suffering a migraine. However once you learn which triggers affect you the most you can try to take them out as much as possible. This can be from only working out 3 times a week, drinking no coffee, eating no cheese or maybe even drinking no alcohol. It all depends on how your body feels like by endulging in the pleasures that others can enjoy unlimited. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Preventing migraines from happening by limiting certain foods will help you feel incredible skipping out on those heavy pains.

Check what your triggers are that you want to avoid and see your life improve fellow migraine suffers.