Consistency to build up yourself

Fighting against mountains

Do you have the tendency to build yourself up and how do you perform this? You can build yourself in many different ways. But the best way is by taking on any challenge heading your way.

First off check what part of your life you want to improve and what activity you have to perform. For example when you want to become healthy you know that you have to get moving and eat healthy. Look for the activity you wouldn’t mind doing for an extended amount of time. Don’t solely go for getting on a diet for a month but change your life permanently from this moment on.

Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance – Samuel Johnson

Every single small step you take towards your goal gets you that bit closer to achieving your end goal. In the large scheme it seems unimportant whether or not you go for that 10 min walk in the morning or you skip it. It’s only in a couple of years of consistency that you and everyone around you will notice what this walk and all those after it have done to you.

Consistency improves every part of your life. Included some unexpected consequences. People surrounding you will start to notice everything you have done with the greatest tenacity. It builds your reputation and the trust that people will have that you are capable of finishing what you have started. Despite all the obstacles you witness you will be surpassing every single one of them. Everyone will look at your accomplishments and they will want to follow your lead to success.



2 thoughts on “Consistency to build up yourself”

  1. This is so true. People who achieve great things have 99% of the time been plugging away for years … it’s just that we didn’t know them at that time. Actors and actresses, writers, musicians … all slowly practising their art, consistently, quietly working away. I wish I’d known this years ago about the sacrifices one needs to make. I hope I’m managing to drum it into my children a little. Great post. Thanks. Katie

  2. Thank you for your nice comment Katie. It is so easy to see people at the top of their game to be hard on something that they do. However they are just as human as you and me, hard work and patience delivers the best results. As to teaching it to your children the best way to teach them is by living as an example. Be consistent in achieving your goals and they will see first hand how to reach for their dreams. They will learn the most from it this way, and if anything is unclear they know who to turn to for questions.

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