Improve your sleeping habits

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Increase your sleeping pattern

A lack of sleep is the evil to many problems in our life, yet it is the last area in our life that we will change. Especially following advise on sleep from doctors or from peers seems to be really difficult. The only way we implement it is if we are really desperate or when the topic suddenly comes up in a conversation very unexpected. Hearing how others have improved their sleeping motivates us to try it ourselves.

The biggest change that no one is willing to make it illiminating screen time an hour before you go to bed. Who doesn’t like watching a movie or a last episode right before going to bed? Well, I don’t anymore since I noticed how it improved my sleeping schedule. Closing off any screens in your life about 30-50 mins before going to bed helps you regulate your melatonin levels. Having an increase in melatonin improves your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Sleep is the best meditation – Dalai Lama

Having a bad sleep and even worse having consecutive bad nights really decrease how you feel. A good night sleep is the best way of recovering physically and mentally from a hard day. For example look at fresh parents with a newborn baby. At night they are constantly helping their baby fall asleep. It helps the child getting a good night sleep where the parents get the opposite. This is why the first couple months are the most difficult for new parents.

The greatest influence on how you sleep is by the things you do and skip during your day. For example what food you eat and how much you workout directly relate to how great your sleep will be. Another big requirement for good sleep is your stress levels. These can be reduced by working out, playing or listening to music, to meditation. Once you are sleeping better you will also be more resistant towards the daily slumber, your stress levels will decrease even more which in turn will give you an even greater nights rest.