The 3 types of success

routes to success

There are a lot of ways to achieve success. Let’s talk about 3 of them: Money, health and character. Noted in increasing way of potential. All of the possibilities are relative to how you feel about them. When people see money they consider themselves as whealthy and standing on top of the world.

The first type of succes is also the most superficial: money. People look at the income and the money they own as a guideline that they are getting succesfull. Some even say that money can buy everything. You can’t be further of the truth, money is only a good start to build something nice for your future. With money you can look to other things in life that can make you healthy. For example allowing yourself to have time to become and stay healthy and spreading this out to your family and friends.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. – Billy Graham

The second success you can work towards is health. Having a good health helps you way better than money can ever do. With a good health you are able to do anything you set your mind to, no matter what the situation is. When you plan it right you are even able to have a good health while growing yourself towards the others succeses in life.

The last way towards success is building and having a strong character. All worthy things in life only come after working and grinding hard towards it. Take for example building your own company. At first you have to build a emergency fund to be able to start on your own. Than you got to quit your job and start on your own. You wont only have to put in the hours, you are taking the risk of being self-unemployed with no income.

There are so many ways to reach different types of succes. The best thing to focus on early on is improving yourself and building yourself a strong character. When you are able to resist negative effects on your life the more success you will achieve.