Staying healthy longer

staying healthy
Maintaining health

It is essential in life to be building your health and to try and maintain it as long as possible. But how can you keep yourself on track?

Firstly let’s start of by becoming healthy. There are 2 things important for this: food, movement. Food is your basis for building your body the way you want. Healthy food is meant to be enjoyed and be tasty, so it shouldn’t feel as (too much) of a stretch. Movement can be filled in how you like. You can go for a daily hike, go to the gym, go for a swim or taking your dog out for a walk.

There are 3 things that are needed to stay healthy for longer. The first one is to make sleep one of your essentials. Having a good sleep at night helps you to recover from everything that you are going through during the day. For example eating healthy and doing enough movement requires you to be using your willpower. Every good night of sleep recovers the amount of willpower that you have. Having a bad night causes you to have a bad day with less willpower then normal days.

You should never go on diet and must follow a healthy lifestyle. – Nargis fakhri

The second way you can stay healthier for longer is if you stay consistent with your neew lifestyle. Only when you learn to adapt your life to a healthier one that you can sustain it. However you should not see the changes as a temporary fix, a quickfix or going on a diet. Because when you go on a diet, you will also stop it at some point. If you decide to change your life to a healthier one you can maintain it and stay healthy forever.

The third part in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is how you feel about it. Starting off you need to build up your willpower, at difficult times you have to use your willpower to get through them and still take a healthy decision. If you feel good inside and out you can start to use less willpower and just be mentally reconciled with a healthy lifestyle. You will be enjoying your healthy life for a longer period.