Consequences of Coronavirus on yourself


First off let’s say that it is not certain yet what the virus is exactly. So medically not a lot can be said about it. Currently the flu still kills more people than Corona does, that is mainly because the virus hasn’t been spread as much as the flu does.

As with most deseases elderly and people with weaker immune systems get hit quicker than others. These groups also have a higher risk of dieing from it. To increase your chance of not getting infected clean your hands frequently and improve your immune system. This can be achieved by eating plenty of fruits and vegatables, exercise a couple times a week and getting enough sleep every night. When you follow these tips you are better equipped with a better defence. It’s still possible to become sick, but you will be able to heal quicker.

When you’re under stress, your immune system doesn’t work as well. – Bob Mcnair

When you have build your immune system and wash your hands regularly there is not much other things that you can do. Try to keep doing your healthy habits so that your immune system remains on point and avoid stress as much as possible. Stress will influence your life badly.

A last thing to look out for with the coming of this or an other virus is the influence it has on your life indirectly. Slowly more people might get infected in your country and maybe even in your close environment.

Unfortunately the virus may also influence you on other unexpected ways. For example it may decrease the productivity level of the company you are working for. Which may lead to a temporary unemployment. Try to prepare as much as you can by getting your health in check and plan financially for a potential unemployment.