Complementing people

Complement people on their achievements

Life is hard as it is. Through the hard times there are some people that seem to just hike past the obstacles as if it’s nothing. They participate in the hardest challenges that no one else is willing to go for. While we want to do copy their actions and are jealous we rarely show our appreciation towards them. Take a small steps by complimenting them on their achievement and how well they did.

It doesn’t cost anything, nor is it painfull to give a compliment to someone. The hardest thing is to get started to compliment people. Especially considering the passive society we live in, the biggest communication we have is via social media. Let’s change this and make life more enjoyable by handing out compliments to the people around you.

Anytime anybody impersonates you, it’s a great compliment. – Robert Wagner

The good thing is that complimenting people don’t have to come out of the blue. You can compliment someone depending on the situation. For example when you are going to eat out with your friends and you see that one of your friends constantly takes the healthy food, tell that you appreciate how smart they pick their food options.

There is also the possibility to compliment someone without using words for it. These are indirect ways to have an impact on people. To show you like their accomplishments you can copy their activities. For example if your friend has been working on their health for years, you implementing it all of a sudden shows them you follow their lead. You are telling you appreciate them showing the way and taking the same steps.