Effort never lies

Effort causes results

No matter where you live there is a high chance that you are going through a difficult time right now. Think about what you are putting your time into and focus on applying effort to anything that is important for you.

You may want to put extra effort into your health, taking care of your family and improving your life in general. Keep on working hard on your goals and put time into it. Allthough it might not fell like it now, but all the effort you put in will show in the end. The harder you work now the more visible it will be in the future.

Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. – Napoleon Hill

During hard times it is easy to feel defeated. There is no shame in stepping it down a notch. We are all human and we all feel the consequences of the problems we are facing. Aslong as you are healthy or recovering slowly you will be able to make it. A second thing to look out for it to make sure that you and your family can make enough of a living to get through these times.

Currently it is best to leave your ego at the door. It may be needed for you to take a look at a temporary job in a branch that you would never see yourself working in. For example helping out at a grocery store to refill or working at an online selling platform. It shows how responsible you are to recover from this misfortune and to help your family.