I’m going on vacation, what now?!

Vacation no stress
Remove your stress


Are you going out on a yearly vacation? Are you stressed out because you don’t know what awaits you while visiting a different country? In this article I will explain how you can tackle your food choices on vacation.

Last winter you decided that your really need that sunny vacation in a tropical country. Now that the vacation is coming closing you don’t know if you can stick to changed lifestyle. Are you allowed to take a break from your ‘healthy lifestyle’ (note that I’m not saying ‘diet’) ? Ofcourse, the reason we call it a healthy lifestyle is that you are able to maintain the new lifestyle. But not to follow the rules blindly.

To be able to adopt the new habits you should be able to find healthy or at least less unhealthy options anywhere you go. If this is difficult under certain circumstances, then don’t! Choose your favorite food and enjoy it, don’t feel frustrated about it. Take your vacation as a moment to try out new things, and maybe even find healthy alternatives for daily habits in your comfortzone.

When you return home from that wonderfull vacation don’t give in to the urge to punish yourself for enjoying your vacation. Don’t restrict your calories, don’t come back bouncing into a new found ‘diet’. Get back into your slightly healthier choices. Take the oportunity to reflect about the cultural food option and choices of the inhabitants in or around your vacation ressort. This could open up a whole new perspective on what you consider a tasty way of turning your life around to the life you always wanted.

If all of the above didn’t help you this vacation then think about planning your vacation how you will feel your best. Do you want to eat specific foods that you know taste well and are great for your body? Talk to your travelling agent about the options at specific hotels or location what the local food markets have to offer. Do some research about local specialities before taking your final destination.