Speaking up for what is right

Speak up for what is right

There are so many different believes out there, for how we should live our life and for what things we should fight for. Yet sometimes we feel overwhelmed by what the society, the people around us think and say.

We should defend what we think is right, not what others think that is right. When we go through our daily life and see something that is not fine it’s too easy to just keep going without saying anything against it. Let it be said, not doing anything can just be as bad as doing the bad thing. You are not doing it yourself, but you are not preventing it to happen either.

When you hear people making hateful comments, stand up to them. Point out what a waste it is to hate, and you could open their eyes. – Taylor Swift

Everyone comes out on a situation where it is really difficult to stand up for someone else. When it is impossible for your own safety to intervene call for help. When you come home after the bad situation you can think about what you could have and should have done. It is not a shame to accept that you could have done more. take this moment to reflect on what happened and how you could have helped.

Stand up for things that you believe in to protect who deserves it. Even if you agree to what is said but see someone really suffering from the way it is said support them by defending them. You can come up with arguments from both sides standing in the middle on the discussion. A discussion should never be a one way street. You can only speak from a discussion if both persons are allowed to say something.