How saying no can help you

Saying no (first)

When something is offered to you it’s hard to say no. Depending on what the offer is you should always consider the pros and cons and allow yourself to decline the offer. Is there any reason why you wouldn’t want to accept? Then consider saying no and see your confidence increase.

One of the examples that needs a closer look for your situation is whether or not it’s smart to go for extra education. In general learning is never a waste, however when it costs a lot and keep you off the job market it may be better to look for something else. This may be even true when your parents offer to pay for your education. Having such a great support is great and will help you out a lot. But you should always consider all your options.

Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence. – Vince Lombardi

In some moments it’s more difficult to say no than in other situations. These are the moments where you need to have confidence in yourself to dare to say no. For example you may have lost your job and are taking on temporary lower paying jobs to survive. When a job offer opens up in the line of your expertise you may want to jump at it immediately. If the job fits your needs, go ahead. If however it seems that something doesn’t look right, it can be the moment you have to take the courageous decision of not taking the offer.

The more you are able to controle your feelings and implement critical thinking you can look out to prevent yourself from making mistakes. thee ability to say no allows you to build your confidence. In some situations it helps to show your character if you can say no despite the consequences. For example saying no to your boss is difficult, but sometimes the best thing you can do.