Workout together

fitness buddies
Find your partner in crime

Ever gave up on your fitness routine? If you did, you probably wondered if you wouldn’t have given up if you had a gym buddy.

If you are reading this article you are  planning to get back into a routine or already started. However you are missing that little bit more, you have that empty space next to you in the weight room.

Meeting up at your local gym has many benefits. One of them is actually getting to the gym. How many times are we planning to go to the gym, but life gets in the way. If you ask your friend to go together, you can be sure that you will arrive at the gym. for some arriving at the gym isn’t the hardest thing, being challenged during the workout is a harder thing. If you are out there with a like minded friend you will be able to get a real challenge.

Find a gym partner as hungry as you. – Deon Simon

The trick with finding the correct partner is twofold. In first instance you need to be preferably at the same level. Meaning a professional lifter shouldn’t be joining up with someone just starting out. This could be very motivational, but it also is intimidating. What is even more essential for finding the correct partner is that your partner is just as dedicated to their health as you are. If your friend skips half of your sessions the partnership isn’t going to work out.

Before you ask your friend to become your permanent fitness buddy consider asking them out on a trial run. Cause if you notice it isn’t working out and you already asked them they might feel offended. However if you make it clear that you are just doing a trial run, they will less stressed about it.

Try out going with a friend and see how you like it. If it doesn’t fit you or your partner there is no harm done. You can find someone else or stay working out alone. Either way you can get healthy with or without a fitness buddy. You just need to find out what works the best for you.