Go for the small things

Doing small things
Enjoy yourself with doing the small stuff with love

Everyone’s life is different at the moment. This doesn’t have to be a hindrance, it can be a blessing in disguise. In most countries people are slowly being allowed to do more activities, while mostly having to maintain a certain distance.

One of the activities that has slowly been increasing in many people’s lifes is going for a walk with family or friends. Before it was being looked at as an activity of the past. However now that we all have been locked inside our homes for so long even going for a small walk is increasingly enjoyable.

It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen. – John  Wooden

Life’s enjoyment doesn’t lay in the big things, implementing the small things will bring you the most amount of enjoyment. While at the same time it allows to enjoy this together with your family and friends. Hapiness can come from a lot of different things that normally don’t bring us as much pleasure. A big one in these times is knowing that you are still happy or recovered and that your family is doing well.

How about the small enjoyable activities while staying indoors? We have a lot of time now to catch up on things that we haven’t been able to do for ages. How about the movies that came out, the serie that you haven’t finished yet, or going out to enjoy the nature? Another alternative is getting back to learning something that you have given up before. Examples are learning to play guitar, learning a new language or knowing how to increase your cooking skills.