Continue to find joy in new activities



For a few months everyone was forced to stay inside or at least not being allowed to go out do watever we want. The benefit it brought is that we learned to enjoy activities that we used to avoid. Especially us millenials enjoy scrolling through our social media, but what if we did this for weeks at end, without anything else to do? You start looking for something new and end up going for a nice walk or talking with your family.

All the measures are slowly being dropped, but what can we do with the new activities that we tried? If you end up loving a new activity why should you abandon it when you are free to go do what you want? There are enough activities in life that we spend time on that doesn’t help us. We might aswell do something that we enjoy and brings us closer to friends and family. For example going for a walk with a friend instead of watching a movie alone.

Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before. – Franz Kafka

Finding new enjoyable activities don’t have to cause you to give up other activities. Depending on what the new activity is you may learn to improve your productivity. Instead of constantly being focussed on learning or working you can switch things up with going for a walk or a phone call with your friends. It will bring you a new vibe that allows you be more productive and doing more in the same amount of time.

To get rid of the pandemic we all had to contribute a change to our life. Some of these changes are staying permanently, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. When we become ill we tend to pretend to be strong and still go to work. However due to the pandemic we are staying home faster and protecting the people around us. At the same time a lot of companies have found a way how their employees can work from home.



2 thoughts on “Continue to find joy in new activities”

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