Enjoy the nature

Enjoy nature

Friday it was the World Environment day. Even though this article is coming in late, it’s still as much needed as last week. We live from the nature around us, every breath we take and everything we eat derives from nature. Without it we wouldn’t survive.

So many animals live on earth and realise how important it is to maintain the environment. The ecosystem is being generated automatically and keeps the cycle going. The entire system works together for the earth to be balanced. We only have one earth but it works so well that it can survive a very long time. Unless if we act that the earth is ours to command and it is ours to consume. We are all dependant on ecosystem and should promote and improve it.

Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude. – Louie Schwartzberg

To save our planet the first step to take is to appreciate what is around us and share the love of the nature. The more people are learning about how important the environment is the better we will collectively take care of it. Nature has always been around, which is why we often take it for granted. We shouldn’t take it so light.

Our society has used huge amounts of nonrenewable energy which has increased our economic growth so much. Unfortunately it has come to a cost, our planet is not in such a good state anymore. Now is the time to think about everything we can do to turn this around and helps the environment. A first step towards improvement is to start using renewable energy where possible and to promote it to other people. The more we can use renawble energy the better it will be for society. It will improve the quality of living for everyone involved.