I’m injured, what now?!

Injuries impact your motivation

You can attempt to decrease amount of injuries, but you will never completely get rid of them. When injured you have to consider your options based on how painfull the injury is. An injury shouldn’t be detrimental to your progress.

Firstly you have to visit a doctor. It is never good to just assume the degree of your injury. Doctors can give you tips to get back stronger after your rest period. That being said when you know what you are doing you might want to talk to your doctor about adjustments. However you should only adjust to a more conservative treatment.

From personal experience doctors sometimes prescribe 14 days of rest for a minor (pre-)injury. It can be good to take 10 days complete rest, a week bodyweight training and at the 18th day you can start with (very light!) weights. Adjusting your treatment should only be done after consulting your doctor about it. Have some extra blood flow in the area can speed up the healing process.

Another possiblity during your injury is to adjust your workouts. Have an injured elbow? You can still do adjusted leg workouts. Do some body weight squats and lunges. This time can also be used to focus more on different body parts, for example your core. If there is no way to lift you can also see the time you are off the weights as a much needed “deload” period. Where you allow your body to recover. After it your body might become even stronger.

Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears. – Marcus Aurelius

As explained yesterday it is ofcourse best to avoid injury allthogether. But when it happens we have to deal with it. The worst you can do it give up your new lifestyle. Monday’s article will deal about motivation through times of injury. Remaining motivated is not the easiest, but with a few tricks everyone can stay motivated.