Expensive habits

Expensive habits
At what cost? 

Money can be used for many things. This can be a blessing but it can also be an expensive cost.

If you are saving for a big purchase like a car or a house you shouldn’t just focus on your income. The challenge is to degree your spending. Most of it isn’t even just a single purchase, but “habit spending”. Anything that you frequently spend your money on is something worth considering to cut out. It’s not about how much you make but about how much you save.

Chains of habits are too light to be felt untill they are too heavy to be broken. – Warren Buffet

Habits make or break you. At first any small purchase may seem innocent, and on it’s own it is. When you consider a certain spending as a normal small purchase you start getting used to it and start to ramp up monthly costs. This is the single worst habit for your financial future. It is easy to build up habits without thinking about them. It is harder to cut them out.

The most expensive habits are those that cost when buying it and require an additional cost for upkeep or a follow up cost. The biggest example is an expensive car. It initial cost has a certain price, repair costs will be higher and you are likely to be using more fuel for the same distance. Another example is smoking. You would spend some money every time, and afterwards you will have increased health costs.