Stay motivated during injury

motivation while injured
Injuries can be demotivational, don’t let it get into your head

Getting injured is never a pleasant moment. Especially not if you are switching your life for a healthier one. However keep in mind that the injury is a physical one, don’t let it creep into your mind! Most injuries heal on their own if you take enough time. The more difficult task is to repair your motivation and your mind.

The best way to stay motivated is to believe in yourself and in your journey ahead. An injury, no matter how devestating, is a break not and end. Keep your end goals alive and look back at your current progress towards it. If you haven’t been progressing for long, consider what gains there are still to obtain. Take the time to reflect on your training and food and see where you can improve when you return.

Injuries make you stronger. – Seth rollins 

Your body will learn from any injury it undergoes. This process can be greatly increased it you purposely (re)think the changes you implemented in your life. Because of this learning you will be able to make gains even faster. This inturn will make your body stronger, but even more important, your mind. It is your motivation that you have to maintain.

You can stay motivated by watching comebacks from professional athletes, by researching tips about recovery, about working out despite injuries and so on. These ways of getting externally motivated are especially usefull when you are thinking about quitting forever. Research on all the incredible benefits that a healthier life have to offer. Think about the benefits you have already obtained since your start.

Make sure you find your way to stay motivated. A good option is to talk to (supporting) friends about your infortunate injury. The chance is high that they will motivate you to never give up.

*Fingerscrossed* that you will never  have to use anything in this article.