Want to start writing yourself?

Writing articles
Writing takes time

In the last article I mentioned how it’s been 2 years since my first article. Thank you for all the support during the years! Let us continue on the path and improve our lives together.

This is the right moment to speak about the advantages that writing can bring you. The most common advantage is that it improves your creativity. Having more creativity allows you to be thinking outside of the box in any situation. This doesn’t just apply to your studies or a normal job, it also improves the use of your language incredibly. The more you write the more information you absorb and the better you can help others.

Writing can’t change the world overnight, but writing may have an enormous effect over time, over the long haul. – Leslie Marmon Silko

Articles bring a lot of information not only to the reader but also to the writter in one way or the other. For example by comments or during the research for the article. At the same time anything that you write about you will remember a lot more from. Instead of it being told to you, you have spent time researching on it and you are able to link multiple pieces of information together as one.

Writing doesn’t change anything in the short run, if you give it time it will eventually influence people and benefit them. Writing is about having fun writing and to see people gain something from it and enjoy it. If you are considering to start writing you should go for it.