Create value for people

Success or value

We tend to aim for either money or success. What we sometimes fail to see is that if we just try to add value for others the rest will follow shortly.

For example when we are learning something new for building our carreer it may seem important to solely focus on receiving the highest grade. Sometimes we participate in multiple group assignments at once. One of these subjects will be more difficult for you. So you could choose to focus yourself more on the other projects. However even though it might feel awkward to work on it you can still bring value to the table. For example you can help the introduction into the subject and clarify where there is more information needed to make it a fluent whole.

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. – Albert Einstein7

A good way to start adding value to people is by being present in the moment and show that you will help them when needed. Especially when you see they need help but they wont accept it yet, keep on showing them that when they are ready you are free to help. It could take a long time before they come to you but be there for them to give them tips or your time.

It’s important to be of value to your colleagues, customers and your boss. However another interesting way to be of value is for your friends. Show them how much you appreciate them and lift their spirit by giving honest compliments about their character and about what they do. Friends will surely enjoy it if you anticipate what they deserve or need and provide it to them. This is especially handy when you can give them advice where they need it before they have to ask for it. An example is talking about how they can avoid going into debt for depreciating expensive cars. At the moment of the purchase they may be able to splurge on it, but it can haunt them for the coming years.

Support the people around you when they ask for it, but also without needing them to spell it out for you. Giving advice never hurts, they can either follow it or do as they please. As long as you don’t force it on them they wont mind a gentle helping hand.