Courage helps us get around difficult times

Show courage in the eye of danger

Life has a lot of challenges for us, some small, some larger and some so big that it seems impossible to battle it.

Sometimes we only focus on the things that we haven’t been able to complete and how we lost a battle. However it is not those small battles that matter, it is the war that actually matters. The amount of times you win or lose are of no importance at all. It’s the big picture that has to fall in place. A problem that we face is the thought that succes is awesome and that by achieving it in one area we automatically are eligible for succes in everything.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

Both succes and failure are not permanent, luckily failure is reversible. The fact that one success doesn’t grant you an entire line of successes allows us to keep ourselves on our toes. You have to always be willing to go for an opportunity when it comes around. When you happen to not succeed as planned you can set yourself up for success. Taking one wrong turn gives you a possible new way to get into a better spot.

Courage helps you to get ahead in comparison with your current position or the position of the people around you. For example a lot of people rack on debt in a lot of situations. You just bought that new TV, the new I-phone or a brand new car. These purchases on their own do not have to be a problem. But together with your other expenses it can bring you in a tight corner. This is the moment that you can turn around and end up getting rid of all your current debt.

Determine what mistakes you made, what your plan should look like and have the courage to persist towards finishing your goals.