Achieve your perfect body

every body is beautifull
Every body is perfect.

We are often times consumed by reaching the perfect body. It is a interesting goal to achieve for yourself. To achieve the goal we have to be very specific when we define the term “perfect body”. Are you looking at a picture of a model? This is a body that you should not strive to achieve. What you can strive for is the perfect body for YOU.

The perfect body is the body that you feel comfortable in and that feels healthy. Not only for the perspective of the body, but also for the mind. If you feel more at ease with who you are with a bit more fat, that is the body you have to start to love. Everyone’s body can be the perfect body aslong as you love yourself.

Not one drop of my self -worth depends on your acceptance of me. – Quincy Jones

To be honest we could all strive for becoming just that bit healthier. A lot of tips can be given for it. But in the end it’s you who knows how you feel in your body and what you want it to look like. It is never ideal to go for a body that the society deems as “the perfect body”. Because those bodies are the unachievable ones that if you would ever reach it, you would feel really miserable. Being at a 5% bodyfat, really muscular body, will not make your body feel healthier.

Whenever you look at a “perfect body” think about your goals for your own body. Don’t let anyone ever dictate you how you should form your body.