Quit expensive activities

Expensive item

Last article was about how  you should save money and not try to keep up with the people around you. Let’s talk about some other expensive habits to get rid of early on.

One of the most expensive habits became obvious during the pandemic. We had to stay home and we no longer were allowed to go to the gym. Some were offered their money back, others maintain their membership longer, or nothing has changed. The main thing we learned during this difficult time is that there are alternatives. It can be as easy as going for a walk, a bike trip or using free weights at home.  A lot of money can be saved while maintaining or improving your health.

The cost of living has gone up another dollar a quart. – W. C. Fields

Life is expensive so why would you increase your spending? Unfortunately we don’t choose to spend more, it just happens automatically. One of the moments that makes or breaks you is when you get a promotion or a raise. It increases the money you have coming in each month. Yet most people increase their spending just as fast, if not faster as the money increase.

High costs of life are mainly made out of habits that constantly require money for upkeep. The best example for this is feeling obligated to eat out with friends and to keep up with the amount of drinks they are getting. There is nothing wrong with going for a drink or even a meal with friends. However if you are starting to eat out with friends every week, or even twice a week, the cost really starts to ramp up.

Another potential high cost is driving fast. You could get tickets for it draining your bank account fast. Even without these it increases your visits to the gas station and your repair costs. So think twice before speeding.