Mental health and music

Influence of music on mental health

To become  a healthy version of ourself it is important to keep our mental health in check. A often overlooked part of the mental health is music. Personal experience learns that people get around just fine without music in their life. This does not mean that we can’t benefit from music in our life. In any shape or form.

We can try so many things to heal ourselves: medicines, hospital visits, osteopath, psychologists and so on. Have you ever heard a doctor prescribe music therapy? Unfortanely the answer will likely be: “no”. It would feel as a sin to describe the benefits of  music. It is never possible to grasp the importance of music. There is so much untapped potential benefits for listening to music.

Music can change the world because it can change people.  – Bono

One of the benefits of the music is the subject of this article. It can be prescribed as increasing or healing your mental health. By listening to music or playing you will reduce your stress, become happier and sleep better. Together with this listening to music helps fighting off depression.

Additionally if you opt for playing music there are some added benefits. By playing music yourself you improve all your brain functions and you get the same benefits as with listening to music. Not to mention all the fun that you will have making music and the confidence you will gain by learning a new skill.