Complete your goals by using this tactic

Strive for the highest goal possible

To be able to get the best growth we should aim for high goals. The problem with it that these high goals are difficult to attain.

The best way to accomplish extreme goals is by finding a way to motivate yourself indefinitely. One of these goals is to be the healthiest version of yourself and to maintain if for the rest of your life. This can only be accomplished if you like what you are doing. Create a passion for the activity required to complete your goals. For example working on your health will be that much easier if you like healthy food, like to cook and/or love working out.

When you like what you are doing, everything becomes easier. Instead of having to fight against yourself to strive for the best you are doing what you love and being great at it. Another example for this is learning languages. If you are learning a new language you have to find enjoyable ways to put it in your daily life. Watch movies in the language, read articles or speak to people in their mother tongue.

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion. – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

You can complete anything that you set your eyes on. However the way to finish it depends on how much you want it. If you want to complete it at any cost you will push through adversity without even bothering about making it a passion. Sometimes it is a good thing that you can push through without feeling the need to like it to accomplish it. An example is achieving your driving license. You don’t have to love it to be able to get it. However if you want to become the best driver ever it helps if you like what you are doing.

Another example of this is to improve playing your music instrument. Everyone can learn a bit off it, without liking it. Then it takes even more willpower to get through it. But if you want to continue on getting better and better the ideal situation is if you start racking up a passion for it. This helps you sit through the difficult times more easily. It will make you enjoy the easy parts and prevent you to hate the more difficult ones. Determine your priorities and see what passions you can create for it.