Continue to think critically

Critical thinking.jpg
Continue to keep your brain active

Sometimes we focus so much on reaching knowledge that we forget to think critically about what we are being told. It is crucial to gather information to learn new things. However we shouldn’t be to keen on just gathering information mindlessly.

Learning something without thinking critically takes less time at first instance, but it could cost you more time in the future trying to recover from being misguided. Taking any information for what it may lead you to make mistakes in other situations. What one person teaches you may not be nuanced, when you think critically about it you will spot it and be able to implement your own nuance.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein

It is not the knowledge itself that brings you were you want to get. How far you will get is dependant on the way you use the knowledge. If you only use the information you have learned you will hardly be an added value. Combine what you learned with your strengths to come out ahead. The more you think about what you have learned you will be able to apply more creativity in your work. With this creativity are solving issues that others can’t solve.

Critical thinking will be helping you in many situations in life. One of the unexpected ways for young people is health related. When going to shop for food it is important to realise a couple of things. for example when shopping it is always better to check out the food that is lower then eye height. They mostly are the same products but at a cheaper price. Which in turn allows you to save the difference for other healthy choices.