Tracking progress towards you goals

Tracking goals
Have an oversight on all your goals.

The greatest goal to set is not the one so high that you drop out on it. It’s the one that you stick to till the end.

Setting a goal is one thing, completing it is the main focus. What happens if you don’t just set one of them, but push towards multiple at the same time, without backing out of any of them? It’s possible to overreach yourself, or you finish some achievements while giving up on others or to complete all of them. Let’s figure out together on how to avoid the first option and focus on the last one.

Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal. – Friedrich Nietzsche

It’s easy to go a certain direction, however it is a lot harder to pursuit your goal let alone completing them one after the other. Attacking your target with the right mindset will do just that. It allows you to enjoy the process while taking the next step.  The way to finally reach what you want you need to find a way to track your progress. Tracking can be done if you create milestones along the way. By completing a milestone you notice how far you are.

An example of a milestone is completing your first year at university. Succeeding on your first year shows you an immense progress towards the end goal. This is one of the most obvious milestones that can be set, it is an milestone that it being set automatically. Your education is being split up in multiple years in which you can prove how far you are towards your degree. There are some goals where it is harder to set a milestone. Consider improving your progress in learning a new language. You can just continue learning without a set milestone, which will at some point demotivate you.

To track your language progress consider speaking to a native speaker. Throwing yourself out there is very scary, but it manages to capture the entirety of your progress and not just the written knowledge. Language is used to create a connection, not only to be written. Look at your goals and see which one you haven’t tracked for a while and determine how you can do it.