Turn walking into a habit

Start early on with walking

Walking is something we learn early on in our life. Yet it is one of those things we sometimes push to the back and avoid as much as possible. Remember that time you saw an elevator and saw the stairs even closer by? Knowing that you will have to step all of the steps often turns us to the elevator.

Twisting yourself just a little bit to go for a small walk will get you a long way. Going to buy something small that you forgot last time? May it be a bag of apples, an ingredient for the meal you are preparing or a watch? Go ahead and park a bit away from the shop, now you are adding some extra movement in your life. Initially it seems unimportant, but all small things help to complete the bigger picture.

Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far. – Thomas Jefferson

Once you start to focus on walking you will get more and more benefits. The more often you are going for a walk the better your physique will be. After obtaining a better physique you will be invited more frequently to go for a walk. When people see you outside more they will want to go on a walk for you and you might learn new people from it.

Adding walking to your list of habits will benefit yourself and everyone around you the coming year and even far in the future. If you look at older people around you, notice a big difference to the health of people who still walk and those who gave up on it in their 20s. The more you improve your health now the more benefits you will notice from it in the short and long run.

Take your time to enjoy the walking and everything it improves.