Coming back stronger after an injury

Getting back up after an injury

Last article we wrote about how important it is to recover and that is requires time, which you can use to grab new opportunities.

When getting injured we are devestated that we are no longer capable of doing the things we did before. It doesn’t necessary has to be a bad thing to be out for a short time. One of the advantages is that you instantly can apply your deload week. When injured taking a break from working out allows you to spend all your time on coming back stronger.

That which does not kill us makes us stronger. – Friedrich Nietzsche

Controversy that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. The same goes for getting injured. If you don’t let yourself be beaten by it you will grow stronger because of it. For example my first injury was having pain in my wrist from lifting weigths. At the first instance it made me doubt myself and it made me avoid the exercises that I thought caused it. Later on it helped focussing on improving wrist strength. Now wrist problems non existant, it’s no longer a possible problem.

Getting back to your usual fitness level is acceptable, however improving is where your attention should be at. When you allow your body to have some rest it wont just recover from the injury, it will also attempt to recover any underlying issues. While resting look for a way that you can spend your time for increased range of motion and strength. One of these methods by massaging any known problem areas or stretching the body parts that could hinder you in the near future.