Waking up early to crush your goals

early wake up
Waking up to get a head start. 

It may feel great to stay in bed and have the hours fly by. At the same the most productive hours of your day are dissapearing. While everyone else is still asleep you can take advantage of this time to improve yourself and your life.

If you work extremely hard during the week there is nothing wrong with having a good night of sleep. Without it we are just going through the motions without thinking where we could implement change. To prevent letting your weekends go to waste completely write down goals that you want to work towards despite this is is the may that most peers do nothing.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. – Benjamin Franklin

Sometimes we think we need a lot of money to become healthy, rare skills to become wealthy or thousands of hours to be wise. To achieve all of these it iisn’t neccessary to complete it. Just two things are needed: Having enough sleep and persitence towards your goals. When is your most productive time in the day, in the morning, in the evening or mid day? Depending on your time of the day (or night) adjust your sleeping so you take advantage of your most effective time.

Waking up early allows you to have more time to spend on your goals. While others are still asleep you can start reading a book, meditate, workout or any other of your goals. At the same time it shows how driven you are. Instead of doing the same as everyone else you are using your focus to have enough rest to wake up earlier then others. At first it will require you to set an alarm, in due time your body will get used to waking up at an earlier time which means you are not forced to set your alarm anymore.

Read next article to see the advantage of going to bed earlier.