Going to bed early to free up more time

Going to bed early

The image above may seem counterintuitive, but the earlier you head to bed the more time you will have the next day. During our younger years we frequently prefer to stay awake till late in the evening/night.

When you set a decent amount of goals you need to free up time to accomplish your goals. The earlier you get to sleep the earlier you will wake up without the need of setting an alarm. Going to bed early helps you to avoid endless hours of watching movies or scrolling through youtube endlessly. On a weekday or even worse on a friday we tend to allow ourself some time for ourselves while we know we should be getting our rest.

Whoever thinks of going to bed before twelve o’clock is a scoundrel. – Samuel jackson

During our day-to-day life it becomes clear that nearly everyone goes to bed late and that it is unusual to be going to bed at an earlier time. However what is the reason behind this habit? More often than not it is because as teens our brains were set at a different schedule, to be more active and possibly more effective later in the day. Some people slowly become more effective on other times of the day, but maintain the same time to go to bed.

If you are not sure what your perfect sleeping routine should look like experiment with going to bed early, and or waking up early. You might be surprised how much advantages this can bring into your life. Break the habit of staying up late and see immense benefits arise from it. The extra time in the morning can be spent to work towards your goals. Maybe even add new ones you never had the time for.