Are you lonely?

Take a step back and look at your life

During the pandemic there are so many rules that we have to abide by that we sometimes forget to take a look at how we are currently doing. Not the society in general, but you as a person.

Have you been looking after yourself last months? These are difficult times for everyone, however that doesn’t mean you should only take care of the people around you. When you follow the pandemic rules strictly you may be taking the risk of feeling lonely. At first it looked like it could only be for a short time. But as see now it will remain with us for longer. So we better start taking action to carefully and safely get some social interaction going.

We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness. – Albert Schweitzer

Something as simple as a phone call or a skype call can do wonders. In contrast a message or whatsapp wont cut it. You need real, or as real as possible, contact to have the interaction you need. Some of us are growing up considering social media messaging as our social interactions. When we aren’t in a lockdown it’s fine, cause we will be on our social media while sitting with friends or colleagues. Now we are rather sitting at home and casually continueing our social media usage and taking a step back from real contacts.

Think about people you had a great connection with before lockdown/pandemic. Take some time to reach out to them over a call or send them a text you want to see them, if it is allowed. If going out for a drink isn’t allowed, switch it up and go do a new activity. For example going for a walk in your area or close by the location where your friend lives. It improves your physical health, mental well being and the connection with your friend.

Perhaps your friends are very focussed on their personal situation, for example they have a family member that is ill. Go ahead and make sure that you have some kind of communication. Haven’t had a talk to your family in a while? Go ahead and reconnect now that you have the chance, both to improve the life of your family and yours.