Healthy eating at work

healthy eating at work
Healthy food choices at work. 

If we can choose we would prefer to be healthier. The hardest thing might be what food to go for during our busy days that we spend at work. Many of us sit a lot during our day, hopefully yesterday’s article has motivated you to get moving more. To get healthier all-around we should also focus on our food.

In our day to day slumber we often pick the things that are easy. Have a meal preparing service at your company? It is the first place to look at for some (easy) food options. A while ago the only advise that could be usefull on company meals is to avoid them completely. They were often filled with a lot of salt and sometimes even weren’t so nutritious. Companies around the world have realised that they should spend some thought in the nutrition value of their prepared meals. If they do their employees will be healthier and more productive. Before going all out on these meals talk to some of your co-workers about the meals and think about preparing food at home to bring with you.

The easiest diet is, you know, eat vegetables, eat fresh food. Just a really sensible healthy diet like you read about all the time. – Drew Carey

We often forget how important it is to eat real foods and avoid flavour enhancers. In small amounts salt is not so bad for us. But in every meal we eat these days there is a lot of added salt. Preparing at least some meals yourself can do wonders for your health. Are you not that keen of cooking your food to warm up at work? No problem eat some alternatives at work like a salad, bread, oats, fruit or a combination of them. When you get home you can start cooking some food, after eating another piece of fruit.

Getting a healthy meal out at work is, with some practice, doable. The more challenge thing is your work snacks and your beverages. What most people can’t miss in the morning is that nice cup of coffee or tea. However with a healthy lifestyle you can even out your energy levels without the need of coffee. This way you can avoid the afternoon dip. A healthy alternative is water, it will not give you the instant energy boost. But in the long rung it keeps your energy levels higher. As a snack consider taking some nuts, fruit or vegetables into the office. You will not just feel better, but you will stimulate your co-workers to do the same.

Try out some of these food tips. But above all make sure that you don’t overdo it. Get started small and keep it consistent. Better to start small and continue to do it instead of going all out for one month.

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