Talk about mental health problems

Mental health


Everyone has a headache or a cough from time to time. It happens very often and it is not a shame to talk about getting ill. Then what is the problem about having some mental issues? Mental health is extremely important, unfortunately it is not something being talked about.

When we talk about mental problems we quickly think about issues that we have caused ourselves. However problems arise from the situation that you are in at the moment. Anything can pop up by being stressed or witnessing a traumatic event. For example when people around you talk about your weight you can become self-conscious about your body. It is not your body that is at discussion, the insecurities of the person talking about it is.

It’s been taboo for so long to admit you had a mental health problem. – Rosalynn Carter

Some of the situations out there will influence everyone in some shape or form. One of those is being laid off. If you don’t count the worse disasters out there like the passing of someone you know or getting injured permanently being laid off is something that negatively impacts your life, and it will affect how you feel about yourself. Personally I have felt the impact that being fired has on your everyday life. It is not something that should be looked over. Being considered insufficient to remain in the workplace makes you wonder why you did you best in the first place. Don’t beat yourself up on it. The job, the workplace, the boss, the toxic situation or anything else of the hundreds of reasons may have made you change directions. Realise that at the moment you are going through a difficult time, but you will end up in a better position later in life.

Look for ways to look at your situation and find friends and family to lean on through these difficult times. It is not easy to get past them, but don’t do it alone. The first hurdle is allowing yourself to show vulnerability. When you are going through a difficult time you are in sorrow, talking to people does seem to make it more painfull. The better you can talk to your friends the better you will feel in the long run. They will see you at a vulnerable time, from which they will see you move back up.