Look for principles to live by

Set your principles

Our current society is all focussed around freedom and having the power to do what you want. It’s all good and fun to have freedom, but setting principles that you will follow all the time maintains your freedom. It sets the tone for what you want to do in life.

A lot of principles can be set, many of them will be not obtainable for some. Which is the reason why they are called ‘Personal principles’, that you are following them doesn’t mean that the people around you have to do the same. They are only set to change your life, not theirs. Examples are: to workout frequently, to eat healthy, to never blame others, not drinking and driving and so many others.

An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot. – Thomas Paine

Principles are extremely strong. It’s difficult to keep yourself accountable to them. Once you manage to do that you will see the benefits of holding yourself to follow the principles. The first benefit is that it builds your willpower, we will talk about this in our next article. The second benefit from keeping yourself to your principles is that you are becoming a role model in the area that you deem important. People will look up to you and will contact you to get to know more about that area of life. For example if you always eat healthy, people will talk to you about healthy eating.

To find good principles you shouldn’t be looking at the people around you. Rather search for the things that you will stand by, no matter what the situation or the consequence. You may end up with less friends following the principles, but you will become better from it. It’s sometimes hard to have your friends or family try to keep you off from the right path. Yet you have to set your path out for yourself and follow it to your best ability.