Have people count on you because of your principles

Having people trust you

In our last articles we mentioned how to set principles and what the benefits are from doing so. Every principle has a set of their own benefits. However there are some things that are shared among all of them. The biggest one needs an article on it’s own and that is how people will start to trust you because they see how you live by the rules you set for yourself.

When you have set a principle to abide by you will do your best to maintain it no matter what the situation is. This can help you improve your life, but at the same time it will show the people around you that they can trust you. Simply seeing that you remain doing or saying the same thing as you promised to yourself shows them what type of a person you are. A great example for this is if you decide to never drink while driving ever again. As your friends will meet up with you frequently and never see you drink anymore when you are going to drive, it will be a standard to see you as a trustworthy person. If something happens that their car wont work or they suddenly unexpectedly drank a bit. They will know that there is always someone to drive them home safely.

Trust has to be earned, and should come only after the passage of time. – Arthur Ashe

It requires a lot of time and enough situations to show that you can trust someone. Trust is difficult to earn, but there is a way that most people don’t use. Sometimes you talk to friends or family speaking about how you are improving your health or that you study hard. But those things can be checked by anyone who is near you. Often times it seems to only hurt yourself to not follow through. But half of the time you told people about what you want to accomplish and how you are going to do it. If you don’t continue on that path you can consider it as breaking their ‘trust’ of achieving what you told you would.

Telling your friends you want to improve your health is a very small action. Following through on it increases your health and gives you some points towards earning their trust. At the same time you will improve your willpower, which in turn can be used on a later time. Fulfilling everything you say will continue to increase the trust you receive from your friends. They will no longer have to worry about anything and they will do anything to help you continue on your path towards growth.