Principles are worth more than your money

The tower of money

Money can buy many things, but it doesn’t get you everywhere. It’s not the money sitting in your bank account, but your person that is the main topic of success.

Principle can bring you two ways, down orr up on the money. Even one principle can do both at the same time. Take for example a promise to yourself to never drink alcohol anymore. You will safe tons of money not getting wasted. At the same time you will (hopefully) be volunteering to drive your friends and family home after a night out. This might even take you a lot of time to drive them around. However you are protecting your friends from accidents and a lot of trouble.

My principles are more important than the money or my the title. – Mohammed Ali

Not only keeping yourself to your principle but looking at the people around you might cost you a lot. If someone is aggressive towards others you want to distance yourself from them. It could be your boss or potential boss. You may want to move towards a different company asap, this could mean accepting a job further from home. Which will directly influence your transportation cost every month. But if this improves how you feel and helps you stick to your principles it is worth it.

At first instance it looks like staying true to your principles hurt you. However it shows what a person you are and how important your principles are to you. People will notice and appreciate that they can rely on you. No matter what the circumstances are, no matter the consequences you will follow through. this is an amazing benefit that comes from stayin true to your inner feelings.