Principles can be a heavy burden

The imbalance of life

Life is so many challenges on itself, but if we keep ourselves to high standard we make it even harder on ourselves. You don’t need to get just A job, but a job to align with your goals and principles. If for example you focus on health and look for a workplace near you home to bike to work it’s going to be harder to fullfill that box.

That being said if you are just starting out your carreer it is ok to not focus on your goals as much. You can choose to not travel an hour to work but settle for 30-40 mins if this helps you to add in some extra movement during your day. Goals can be achieved in many ways, everything doesn’t have to fit in your plans, the plan can also be adjusted. Instead of taking the bike to work you could add in a walk during your break and/or going on a walk with your friends in the weekend.

I shall argue that strong men, conversely, know when to compromise and that all principles can be compromised to serve a greater principle. – Andrew Carnegie

Maintaining your principles can add some additional negative effects. One of them that happens once in a while is that you lose friends over a principle that you wont step away from. An example is that you strive to work hard to be able to continue growing and improving your life. While your friends are free to do as they please, having friends who learn on others and don’t work themselves are unsupporting to their environment. Taking a couple of months off for any reason is fine, however not working and not even looking for work for several years is unacceptable.

Having friends who live at their parents saving for a future appartment is smart. Sitting in their basements, not looking for work or improving their life for several years is useless. Despite how much you like hanging out with them sticking to your principles should tell you to take a step away from them. This may sound harsh, yet it’s for the better for your friend and their improvement.

Setting higher standards will become difficult on you and the people around you, but it will improve everyone. As long as you don’t put extremely hard and multiple principles on the people surrounding you. Otherwise you might end up standing alone. No principle is worth standing alone all the time.