Listen to other opinions


different views
Everyone has an other view

We all had other education, family and experiences which have formed us into the person we have become. Luckily everyone is different, this allows us to have many options to meet new people to have a good conversation and to learn from them.

Because of everything you experienced you created certain opinions and view about the world and everything happening around you. Sometimes an opposite opinion may sound strange and is incomprehensible. However it is from these opposite opinions that you can learn to understand their view and appreciate how they came up with this opinion.

Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. – Mark Twain

We all have our tendencies to thinking certain ways and refuse anything that doesn’t align with it. We should realise that only looking at our own opinion blinds us from getting to learn the rest of the world. It prevents us from growing further and finding new reasons and argument to stay your course or change it. Consider all the views and decide for your own whether you change or maintain the same.

Having a different opinion is fine, but not allowing yourself to learn other thoughts hinders your further development. If you happen to have a seperate view you can still speak with them and spending time with them. Even worse then not allowing other opinions is by becoming intolerant to them without even attempting to listen to them. Next article will be about how intolerance can be blinding you and hinder your growth.