Decide how strict you want your principles to be

Don’t let your principles destroy what you have

Principles are very great to have and it improves your growth. Principles lay in so many different areas and can be utilised in any direction.

One of those principles is to never give up. If you maintain yourself to this high standard you will be attempting many actions that others would instantly abandon. Take a look at very challenging situations like going to university potentially even while going through some hard times in your life. Others will frequently step away from the challenge. This can even help you in the situation on the image above. If your relationship is going through difficult times you will fight for it, no matter what it takes.

Obey the principles without being bound by them. – Bruce Lee

The above mentioned example makes us think that principles are always great to have and never step away from them. However it should always be considered if it wouldn’t be better to temporarily quit on your principle. One of these is the principle to be healthy. The goal to be healthy is really amazing and sometimes the people around you will be influenced by the fact that you almost always eat healthy. However you shouldn’t let it overtake their pleasure. If you are going out to eat they are allowed to take a cheat meal, even if you aren’t going to eat it.

Aslong as you make sure to abide by your principle when you are alone and have it determine your choices when you are going out with others you will be fine. You can opt for having a small cheat meal and only drink healthy drinks for the rest of the week. Don’t let the principles take priority over the people around you. However if you notice the people around you want to achieve the same goal it can help them to see you apply the principle.