Bringing friends home or taking them with you

Taking people places

These days it sadly becomes normalised to be drinking and driving. It shouldn’t be, when you drink even the slightest amount of alcohol your reaction time slows down and decision taking will be slower.

The painfull thing is that if you drink alcohol everything slows down and you wont be aware untill it is too late. In most countries having caused an accident while driving under the influence can have some added neegative influence. Your insurance company will probably pay the third party for their damages, but your insurance company may claim it back from you. Otherwise the price of your insurance may increase.

Baseball is like driving, it’s the one who gets home safely that counts. – Tommy Lasorda

When we had a nice evening out we have to get home and if no one offers to bring us home we tend to believe that we are still capable to do so. Don’t let this happen to your friends, family or even strangers. Offer them to drive them home. It may take you some time to drive them, but you know they will be returning home safely. Rather see them back next weekend by spending some extra time now, instead of saving some time now and never see them again. In the case they might not have done anything wrong driving, they may not be able to react in time against a fault that a other driver made.

The best method to prevent friends or family to be drunk driving is to figure out if you are going to drink at all. If you never drink or know that you wont if you plan not to, it will become easier to help your friends. Ask them beforehand if you can pick them up and set them back off at their place. This allows them to think it through, so they can decide if they are going to drink or not. It allows them to not have to think about it when it is too late. When you already arrived in seperate cars, at the start of the evening ask if you should drop them off. At this point they can determine once again how much they are going to drink while they are still fresh.

If you enjoy a glass here and there this is an opportunity to talk to your friend(s) and decide together. Maybe you can drive them home this time, next time it can be their turn. This makes sure that there is always someone ready to drive everyone home safely.